Eiskaltes Versprechen ~ Neuerscheinung!

Mitten in den Vorbereitungen für seine Hochzeit taucht eine geheimnisvolle Person aus Alex Parkers Vergangenheit wieder auf und bedroht dessen Glück mit Mallory Rooney. Vor vier Jahren hat Jane Sanders‘ reicher und mächtiger Ex-Mann ihre junge Tochter entführt, die...

Special Anniversary Hardback Edition. Limited Time Only.

It’s incredible to realize Alex Parker and Mallory Rooney first debuted in A COLD DARK PLACE seven years ago this month. That one book has now grown to a 10-book series with a 4-book spin-off series! Although Alex and Mallory aren’t in every book, their relationship...

Cold Cruel Kiss is back up on Amazon!

So, great news!!! Cold Cruel Kiss is back up on Amazon! Don’t miss your chance to grab it now, LOL!!! Of course, I now have zero rank which means I am starting from scratch in the Amazon algorithm machine against millions of other book titles. I can’t tell...

Cold Cruel Kiss hit by TM issue.

Apologies for the fact COLD CRUEL KISS isn’t available right now on Amazon (and who knows where else?). An author with the same name as the lead character has filed a TM infringement action and I am trying to sort it out as quickly as possible. I’ve also taken...